Container Shackles

Tigrip® TCU and TCO container transport shackles serve as flexible lashing points for the transport of containers. Two types are available, one set that is mounted on the top or one set that is mounted on the sides of the container. Exceed ASME B30.20-2010 Below the Hook Lifting lfiting requirements.

In addition to these two types, we also have TCU in Military Spec, which is the CLB lug that is tested to the US Navy P-306 Testing criteria. These units are identical to the Tigrip TCU but have a different testing procedure and certification.

The TCU type can be affixed to the respective holes in the side of the container, either the holes at the top or at the bottom. These container shackles have a spring-loaded blot that prevents accidental release. The top angle determines the weight load capacity, with a top angle of 50 degrees between the chains the capacity is 32 metric tons, with a top angle of 36 degrees between the chains the capacity increases to 40 metric tons. 

The TCO type can be affixed to the respective holes in the top of the container. Turning the TCO lug 90 degrees locks it securely into place and these container lifting lugs have a total weight capacity of 50 metric tons.

Chains, cables or slings can be used for lifting.

Delivery scope for the respective container shackles is 4 lugs.


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