Weldable D-Rings
These heavy-duty weldable D-Rings, also called lashing rings, are used as tie down points on objects for secure transport. These weld-on tie down points can help secure a variety of weights and sizes. Our weldable D-Rings range from 1/2" steel diameter to 1" diameter, and have maximum breaking strengths up to 47,000 lbs and safe working load limits of 15500 lbs. Use weld-on D rings for trailers and your other secure transportation needs.
Heavy-Duty weld-on D-Rings are not to be used for lifting; they are strictly for securing loads.
SAFE WORK LOAD LIMIT (SWL) is the maximum load in pounds which should ever be applied. Working load limit applies to a new product and assumes that the load is applied with even tension.
MAXIMUM BREAK STRENGTH (MBS) is the maximum force in pounds at which the product, has been found by testing to break. This is for acceptance purposes only and the SAFE WORK LOAD LIMIT (SWL) is still the greatest load that should ever be applied