Safety Advantages of Spark-Resistant & Non-Magnetic Tools

The industry you work in could determine the type of tool you use to complete tasks to remain safe on the job. In particular, there are many safety advantages of spark-resistant and non-magnetic tools. Familiarize yourself with these properties and how they can prevent hazards on a work site so that you can provide employees with the appropriate tools for a job.

What Are Spark-Resistant and Non-Magnetic Tools?

A spark-resistant and non-magnetic tool has a specific design that minimizes or eliminates the risk of sparks that could lead to an explosion. The non-magnetic property makes these tools appropriate for employees working near a strong magnet, such as mining equipment or explosives. They prevent any mishaps that could occur with a regular tool. You can find beryllium copper non-sparking tools in places like oil refineries, grain silos, ammunition plants, varnish factories, etc.

Prevent Fires or Explosions

When you’re in a confined space and flammable materials or gas are present, you need a non-sparking tool to prevent a fire or explosion. If you use a regular tool that doesn’t share the unique properties of a non-sparking one, it could cause a spark that leads to a fire. These special tools are made of non-ferrous metals, which help lower the risk of the tools sparking when in use.

Have Corrosion-Resistant Properties

While corrosion resistance doesn’t seem like an important safety advantage for spark-resistant and non-magnetic tools, it makes things safer when working with chemicals, acids, etc. If you work in a manufacturing setting where these chemicals are present, and the tools you use aren’t corrosion-resistant, they’ll start to break down and no longer perform their tasks to the highest degree of quality. A corroded tool cannot work correctly and could introduce new risks to the employee. Spark-resistant and non-magnetic tools are corrosion-resistant, so you don’t have to worry about this issue occurring.

Spark-resistant and non-magnetic tools are essential for keeping employees safe when working in many scenarios. Intercon has tools with various properties to fit your different applications. Browse through our selections to find the appropriate tools for your industry.

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