Non Sparking Tools: What are They and How To Maintain Them

beryllium copper toolsThese are special tools made of non-ferrous materials like beryllium copper that produce less, or no, sparking when used. They are often used in environments where a spark could ignite materials around a worker.

What Materials Are Used To Make Them?
A non sparking tool kit will have tools made from a variety of materials. These can be beryllium copper tools, aluminum bronze, or even brass tools. Many of these tools are far less vulnerable to corrosion that ferrous alloys in ordinary tools. Non sparking tools are also non magnetic tools in most cases. This makes them suitable for sensitive electronic work as well as hazardous environment work.

What Are OSHA’s Requirements For These Tools?
OSHA has a list of requirements for tools like beryllium copper tools, most being about how to maintain them. Some of the methods that they recommend are:

  1. Keep non sparking tools clean and free from other contaminants that may impair the non sparking properties.
  2. Do not use non sparking tools in direct contact with acetylene, as it may form explosive acetylides, especially in moisture.
  3. Make sure you return all tools to the workshop after normal use to have the faces and heads redressed. This should be a part of all normal operating and safety procedures.

Keeping your non sparking tools on hand during at all times is a good way to avoid a potential hazard. Make sure your tools are kept within OSHA guidelines for your safety. If you have questions about non sparking tools, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our experts.

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